Meet The community council

Jessica Langford
My background is in animation films and community arts projects. My partner and I moved to Buchlyvie in 1998 and in 2006 our daughter went to Buchlyvie Primary School. I worked together with the school and local community to create the Wildlife Garden. During Covid, I and a small group of keen gardeners worked at Burn Green to create a wildflower meadow. This is a work in progress.

Margaret Bennie
Vice Chair
I've lived in Buchlyvie for almost 20 years. I have a daughter just finishing at Buchlyvie Primary School where I regularly help out at netball and gardening. I'm an active member of the Parent Council.
I help with the Buchlyvie Blether at the church and I'm also a member of Buchlyvie Rural. I enjoy walking, cycling, swimming and horses. I have been the horse convener at Doune and Dunblane Show for nearly 10 years.

Alison Moffat
I have lived in Buchlyvie for 30 years and my children attended the primary school. Now retired, I was employed by Stirling Council for over 22 years and worked in both Gartmore and Buchlyvie Primary Schools.

Eilidh Weir
Supporting everyone
I spent most of my childhood in Buchlyvie, with my family opening Buchlyvie Pottery Shop in 1989. I then moved back over a decade ago with children in tow who are now at Balfron High. I am a multidisciplinary artists, mostly working in textiles but having spent some time running the pottery shop. Much of my work is based around activism, building community and resilience and reducing waste.
I am also a keen grower and forager and run the kitchen garden at nearby farm events company Fodder and Farm.

Alan Reed
Alan joined the council as treasurer after moving into the village in September of last year. 'I didn't expect to be joining the council, or to have such trust from the other members this quickly. I'm learning as I go!'
He is partially retired, working as a freelance journalist - often at short notice. He mainly works for BBC News, where he was in charge of the Home Affairs Team based in London. He moved back to his native Scotland around three years ago, before finally settling in Buchlyvie last September. "I've been working very hard since I arrived, but finally found a patch of earth to call home. I now intend to use my energies to give back to the community."
Music fans may also know him as the lead singer of Aberdeen-based band, Pallas, which he rejoined shortly before leaving London and the SE. They have recently released an album, entitled 'The Messenger', which features Alan on vocals. He's also spent the last decade working on a solo career. His intends that his third album, 'Grey Sky Thinking', should be completed before the end of this year.

Colin Mutch
Supporting everyone
I moved to the village a little over two years ago. I am a student forensic psychologist and I work for NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. I have 3 children, all of whom are at different stages within the education system, as I have one in the nursery, 1 in the village primary school, and my eldest is a student at Balfron High school. I am also a member of the Buchlyvie primary school parent council, a volunteer of the Youth Cafe, and I am also the child welfare and protection officer for the Strathendrick Braves football team based in Balfron. My interests include anything outdoors, to be honest. However, in my spare time, I am commonly spotted in the mountains in various locations across the globe, and my dream is to climb a few of the 7 summits. I am looking forward to helping the community in any way that I can.